08/08/2024 0 Comments
Parish Notices for 23 July
Parish Notices for 23 July
# Pewsheet
Parish Notices for 23 July
23 July 2023
St Agnes’ Church is entirely funded by the generosity of her parishioners and supporters, past and present. No funding is received from the Church of England. A special ‘worship table’ is behind the seating area, where donations can be made, either by using the digital card reader, or by leaving money on the plate. The collection plate is no longer passed around during the service. Any donation will be very gratefully received. Thank you, on behalf of the Parochial Church Council. |
THE PARISH OF ST. AGNES & ST. PANCRAS TOXTETH PARK, LIVERPOOL stagnes2020@hotmail.com https://en-gb.facebook.com/saintagnesliverpool/ Sunday 23rd July 2023 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrants Fr Andrew Brown Morning and Evening prayer are said in church Monday to Thursday 09:00 and 17:00 Masses this Week
The Holy Father's Intentions for the Month of July 2023. For a Eucharistic Life: We pray that Catholics may place the celebration of the Eucharist at the heart of their lives, transforming human relationships in a very deep way and opening to the encounter with God and all their brothers and sisters. Those who are sick at home or in hospital: Fr. Paul, Ann, Theresa Charles, Laurence, Kobina, Cathy, Katherine, Margaret, Sheila, Lorna, Andrew, David, Thordice, John, Marian, Tom, Carolyn, Susannah, Dayl, Steve, Ian Anniversary at this time Irene Nener, Laura Dunn
WHO’S WHO Parish Priest: Fr Andrew Brown 0151 938 3940 frandrew@stagnes.org.uk |
Face Masks: Although no longer compulsory, we appreciate that some people may still feel vulnerable and therefore ask that everyone is understanding of each other’s needs.
Income: £3618
Expenditure: £6118
Difference: £-2500
Hymns- CHFE Introit: 384 Lord Jesus, think on me Offertory: 285 Here I am, Lord Communion Anthem: All that is hidden [Farrell] Recessional: 398 Lord divine, all loves excelling [omit v 2] Hymn to Mary: Angelus Mass setting: Eucharistic Acclamations [Farrell] Organ music by:
Organ music by
Organ music by:
Organ music by: J.S. Bach, Buxtehude and Kenneth Leighton |
The feast of St James the Great will be celebrated in the parish church of St James, Haydock for their Patronal Festival. Fr Andrew is the guest preacher when he will talk about his Camino Pilgrimage in 2022 walking the way of St James.
IN DEVELOPMENT we are looking at making changes to the church notice boards to bring them up to date and also enhancing our sound system so that it will be easier to hear what is being said and sung in church.
St HILDA’S CofE HIGH SCHOOL Fr Andrew met with the Chair of Governors in church on Tuesday as part of our plans to develop a new and fruitful relationship with young people locally.
LOOK OUT!! A new website will be coming soon….
Saturday, 5th August. Meeting of the Chapter of the Transfiguration with mass @ noon.
Please Scan to donate to St Agnes & St Pancras Church